Tag Archives: Scentists

Cave find shows Neanderthals collected seafood, scientists say

Guardian – Cave find shows Neanderthals collected seafood, scientists say

As a ginger person, I am glad scientists are finally getting around to debunking many of  the racist myths about my ancestors 😀

Okay, so I may possibly have a tiny fraction of Neanderthal DNA according to some scientific theories, but the way Victorian and even later scientists have literally de-humanised our larger browed hairy cousins says a lot about the way people view ‘the other’ and the racism of past and present and how we can all easily fall into such thinking.

One by one, the myths about Neanderthals are getting tossed out of the window as archaeological evidence shows rather than being savage, cannibalistic primitives, they showed just as much art, culture – including care for the dead and cuisine as homo-Sapiens of the same time period.